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Game Wardens deny Mexican Authorities' confirmation of 'Hippos in the Rio Grande'

The Texas Game Wardens, assigned from Colombia to Zapata and further southeast have denied the existence of the social media gone viral hippos’ image allegedly swimming in the Rio Grande River.

According to El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo, In an interview for a Mexican national news outlet, Omar Javier Enríquez Sánchez, director of civil protection agency, said that he had knowledge of a report of several hippos that reached the Rio Grande River through the area of ​​Zapata, Texas. "They are around 4 or 5 that apparently escaped from a ranch, they came to the river and the American authorities took over."

Texas Parks & Wildlife Agent denied the previous confirmed information of the existence of hippos on the River, “No crocodiles either, we walk all the forests, mountains, rivers, ravines, lakes, dams, streams and ponds, and none of that we have seen, even in places of the Rio Grande, where people do not usually go, very lonely places or difficult access, places far away from where the man usually walks, and nothing”,

He stated that ranches with exotic animals do exist in Texas, but not the size of giraffes, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos, etc.

According to the agent fellow agents from the Zapata, Laredo, Del Rio and Eagle Pass areas have not seen any 'unusual' animals swimming in the water.

Guardabosques niegan la confirmación de hipopótamos de las autoridades mexicanas en el Río Bravo

Los guardabosques de Texas, asignados desde Colombia a Zapata y más al sureste, han negado la existencia de una imagen viral de hipopótamos de las redes sociales que supuestamente nadan en el río Grande.

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Segun El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo en una entrevista para un medio nacional de noticias, Omar Javier Enríquez Sánchez, director de la agencia de protección civil, dijo que tenía conocimiento de un informe de varios hipopótamos que llegaron al Río Grande a través del área de Zapata, Texas. "Son alrededor de 4 o 5 que aparentemente escaparon de un rancho, llegaron al río y las autoridades estadounidenses se hicieron cargo".

Un agente de Parques y Vida Silvestre de Texas, negó la información confirmada anterior de la existencia de hipopótamos en el río: "Tampoco hay cocodrilos, caminamos por todos los bosques, montañas, ríos, barrancos, lagos, presas, arroyos y lagunas, y nada de eso Hemos visto, incluso en lugares del Río Grande, donde la gente no suele ir, lugares muy solitarios o de difícil acceso, lugares alejados de donde el hombre suele caminar, y nada ”.

Afirmó que en Texas existen ranchos con animales exóticos, pero no del tamaño de jirafas, elefantes, rinocerontes, hipopótamos, etc.

Según el agente, los agentes de las zonas de Zapata, Laredo, Del Rio y Eagle Pass no han visto ningún animal "inusual" nadando en el agua.

1 Comment

lekor adams
lekor adams
Jan 12, 2024

Contradicting Mexican Authorities' confirmation of 'Hippos in the Rio Grande,' Game Wardens dismiss the claim, emphasizing the need for thorough investigation. This unexpected twist in the narrative echoes the unpredictable nature of real-world challenges. In a parallel digital realm, game development studios like Argentics navigate their own challenges, offering top-notch, comprehensive services across major platforms. Argentics further distinguishes itself with premium-class UI-UX design services, ensuring the immersive experiences they craft are both technically robust and visually captivating. The divergence between wildlife controversies and the virtual landscapes created by Argentics underscores the multifaceted nature of challenges faced in different domains, showcasing the complexities inherent in both the natural and digital worlds.

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