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Civilians 'take matters into their own hands', arrest illegal immigrants in Eagle Pass

Eagle Pass, TX - Civilians who have been enforcing the law into their hands are acting as LEOs and dedicating their time and themselves to arresting illegal immigrants that they see in public roads or near their neighborhoods.

That has been witnessed by Maverick County Sheriff's Office deputies recently in places far from the urban sprawl but within the county.

According to Sheriff Tom Schmerber, these people are wrongfully making arrests since that is the job for appropriate law enforcement agencies. Likewise, they have also been informed of some people who installed lights on their cars to pretend they are law enforcement officers.

The Sheriff is requesting them to please stay out of trouble, stating that this job corresponds to authorities.

The civilians have reported that they detain migrants due to patrols taking long period of time to arrive when called and they are trying to prevent damages to their homes, families or neighborhoods.

Los civiles 'toman el asunto en sus propias manos', arrestan a inmigrantes ilegales en Eagle Pass

Eagle Pass, TX - Los civiles que han estado haciendo cumplir la ley en sus manos están actuando como oficiales de ley y dedican su tiempo a arrestar a los inmigrantes ilegales que ven en las vías públicas o cerca de sus vecindarios.

Eso ha sido atestiguado recientemente por los oficiales de la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Maverick en lugares alejados de la expansión urbana pero dentro del condado.

Según el alguacil Tom Schmerber, estas personas están haciendo arrestos inadecuadamente ya que ese es el trabajo de las agencias policiales apropiadas. Asimismo, también se les ha informado de algunas personas que instalaron luces en sus autos para aparentar ser agentes de la ley.

El Sheriff les pide que se mantengan alejados de los problemas, indicando que este trabajo corresponde a las autoridades.

Los civiles han informado que detienen a migrantes debido a que las patrullas demoran mucho tiempo en llegar cuando se les llama y están tratando de evitar daños en sus hogares, familias o vecindarios.


Truth speaker
Truth speaker
Sep 15, 2021

Maybe Sheriff Tom Schmerber needs to do his job!!! So if " these people are wrongfully making arrests since that is the job for appropriate law enforcement agencies." Like he claims. Then it is obvious he is not doing his job. Sorry they are breaking the law just being here. Americans should be able to make a citizens arrest. If you ask me . All American citizens should have the right to shoot them dead and send back across the reo grand river. They are INVADERS not IMMIGRANTS.


Sep 14, 2021

Maverick County concerned citizens, reach out to your neighbors in Kinney County. Can provide guidance on making legal Citizen Arrests. Possible coordination. Email jollyrusk at protonmail dot com.

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