Eagle Pass, TX - A San Antonio woman was detained at this border after Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer found doses of crystal methamphetamine in her possession while crossing International Bridge II, last Monday.

Pauline Lucio Sosa, 55 years old, was returning from spending her Christmas holidays on the Mexican side, but she did so in the possession of the narcotic hidden among her belongings inside the vehicle she was driving, police say.
When she was discovered in a second inspection by CBP, she was taken into custody and later handed over to the sheriff's department where she faces a bond so she can be released, Sheriff Tom Scmerber said.
Mujer regresa de vacaciones de Navidad en México con metanfetamina, es arrestada
Eagle Pass, TX - Una mujer de San Antonio, Texas, fue detenida en esta frontera porque elementos de Aduana y Protecciòn Fronteriza encontraron en poder de dosis de cristal metanfetamina al cruzar por el puente internacional 2, el pasado lunes.
Pauline Lucio Sosa, de 55 años de edad regresaba de pasar sus fiestas decembrinas de lado mexicano pero lo hacìa en poder del narcòtico oculto entre sus pertenencias dentro del auto que conducìa.

Al ser descubierta en una segunda revisión por CBP, se le puso en custodia y posteriormente la entregaron al departamento del sheriff donde deberà cubrir una fianza para que pueda salir en libertad, asegurò el sheriff Tom Scmerber.
Unfortunately, not all vacation stories have a happy ending. It's disheartening to hear about a woman returning from her Christmas vacation in Mexico with meth, resulting in her arrest. Incidents like these underscore the importance of being mindful and responsible during travel. This serves as a reminder that even when enjoying a getaway, it's crucial to stay within the boundaries of the law. Perhaps opting for a vacation rental with stringent policies and a secure environment could contribute to a safer and more enjoyable holiday experience for everyone involved.