The worst drivers share some characteristics based on the five categories judged them on the report issued by The graphic below shows the worst category for each state in this ranking. Failure to obey and death rate pop up the most often and are the largest problems drivers in the 10 worst states face.
All the categories in our methodology section if you want to understand the statistics in detail before starting the ranking.
The greatest weakness among the 10 states with the worst drivers is careless driving, with an average of 133 pedestrians and bicyclists killed in each state in just one year.
The 10 states with the worst drivers averaged 17th worst out of all states in the country, making speeding the best driving category in these states.
Drunk driving continues to be a problem for all states with 35 percent of fatal crashes involving a driver impaired by alcohol.
When commenting on Texas the company issued the following explanation:
Best Category: Speeding Worst Category: Drunk Driving
Ranked in a tie for 3rd on this list of the 10 states with the worst drivers, Texas has just one category per best and worst categories: speeding as the best category and drunk driving as the worst category. Of its 3,642 traffic deaths in 2018, 990 involved speeding. This amounted to 27.2 percent of all traffic deaths. This was near the middle of the pack for all states.
Texas rose quite a bit when it came to its worst category — drunk driving — where it ranked third-worst out of all states and the District of Columbia in 2018.
Of its 3,642 traffic deaths, 1,673 involved a driver that had been drinking. This accounted for 45.9 percent of all traffic deaths. Texas was featured in the 2019 worst drivers study at 5th, meaning that its ranking rose two slots in 2020.