Eagle Pass, TX - Eagle Pass Independent School District has partnered with local businesses throughout our city to highlight the Teacher of the Month program, which honors educators who have made a difference in our community. The program recognizes outstanding kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in Eagle Pass, Texas.
November's Teacher of the Month is none other than the Memorial Junior High School's, Mr. Jorge Vargas. Mr. Vargas embodies three major qualities that make a great teacher: (1) being passionate about education, (2) being compassionate towards their students, and (3) having an attitude towards their fellow educators that is one of service and cooperation towards that education of the school's students. He knows how to make music come alive in his classroom for all his students. His dedication is very apparent from the moment his students walk into the Band Hall and he welcomes them calmly, setting the tone for the class that is to be taught. Students love being in his class and in his presence. It is as though his passion for his subject emanates from his demeanor and they students can sense it. His lesson plans have been put together masterfully to teach students what they need to know about music at their level, from correct armature to produce a beautiful sound from their instrument, to deciphering musical notation and rhythms that will make them better musicians. He uses his knowledge of music and musical trends popular amongst his students to teach these skills, from mariachi to country to pop.
Mr. Vargas is constantly willing to lend a helping hand, not only to his Enrichment Department, but to any teacher that requires any type of help. His voice and opinions are valued because he's not just a teacher, but a leader! For all these reasons and more, Mr. Jorge Vargas is Teacher of the Month.
A segment will appear on iVision throughout the month of November detailing many more accomplishments of Mr. Vargas. This month he will also appear on community media, news publications and the EPISD website throughout November 2021. A teacher will be selected each month through May 2021 for a total of eight (8) honorees. The “Teacher of the Month” will be chosen based on educational achievements in the classroom, community contributions and innovative programs and techniques used by the teacher. The “Teacher of the Month” will receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured on iVision, local media news, news publications and radio broadcasting. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses.
Each T.O.M is receiving a “V.I.T (Very Important Teacher) Parking Pass”, a jean voucher for a month, Whataburger Gift Card, and Class Cash to purchase class room supplies. Additionally, each “Teacher of the Month” will receive donations from local businesses. Thank You Border Federal Credit Union, Ashley Furniture, 1212 Chisolm Group, EPISD Spirit Ambassadors, and Peter Piper Pizza.
El profesor Jorge Vargas de Memorial Junior HS nombrado maestro del mes
Eagle Pass, TX - El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass se ha asociado con empresas locales en toda nuestra ciudad para destacar el programa Maestro del Mes, que honra a los educadores que han marcado una diferencia en nuestra comunidad. El programa reconoce a maestros sobresalientes de kindergarten, primaria, secundaria y preparatoria en Eagle Pass, Texas.
El Maestro del Mes de noviembre no es otro que el de Memorial Junior High School, el Sr. Jorge Vargas. Vargas encarna tres cualidades principales que hacen a un gran maestro: (1) ser un apasionado de la educación, (2) ser compasivo con sus estudiantes y (3) tener una actitud hacia sus compañeros educadores que es de servicio y cooperación hacia ese educación de los estudiantes de la escuela. Sabe cómo hacer que la música cobre vida en su salón de clases para todos sus alumnos. Su dedicación es muy evidente desde el momento en que sus alumnos entran al Band Hall y les da la bienvenida con calma, marcando el tono de la clase que se va a impartir. A los estudiantes les encanta estar en su clase y en su presencia. Es como si su pasión por su tema emanara de su comportamiento y los estudiantes pudieran sentirlo. Sus planes de lecciones se han elaborado magistralmente para enseñar a los estudiantes lo que necesitan saber sobre la música a su nivel, desde la armadura correcta para producir un hermoso sonido de su instrumento, hasta descifrar la notación musical y los ritmos que los convertirán en mejores músicos. Utiliza su conocimiento de la música y las tendencias musicales populares entre sus estudiantes para enseñar estas habilidades, desde el mariachi hasta el country y el pop.
El Sr. Vargas está constantemente dispuesto a ayudar, no solo a su Departamento de Enriquecimiento, sino a cualquier maestro que requiera cualquier tipo de ayuda. Se valora su voz y sus opiniones porque no es solo un maestro, ¡sino un líder! Por todas estas razones y más, el Sr. Jorge Vargas es el Maestro del Mes.
Un segmento aparecerá en iVision durante el mes de noviembre detallando muchos más logros del Sr. Vargas. Este mes también aparecerá en los medios comunitarios, publicaciones de noticias y el sitio web de EPISD durante noviembre de 2021. Se seleccionará un maestro cada mes hasta mayo de 2021 para un total de ocho (8) homenajeados. El "Maestro del mes" se elegirá en función de los logros educativos en el aula, las contribuciones de la comunidad y los programas y técnicas innovadores utilizados por el maestro. El “Maestro del mes” recibirá un certificado de reconocimiento y aparecerá en iVision, noticias de los medios locales, publicaciones de noticias y transmisiones de radio. Además, cada "maestro del mes" recibirá donaciones de empresas locales.
Cada T.O.M está recibiendo un “Pase de estacionamiento V.I.T (Maestro muy importante)”, un vale de jean por un mes, una tarjeta de regalo Whataburger y Class Cash para comprar suministros para el salón de clases. Además, cada "maestro del mes" recibirá donaciones de empresas locales. Gracias Border Federal Credit Union, Ashley Furniture, 1212 Chisolm Group, EPISD Spirit Ambassadors y Peter Piper Pizza.
It’s wonderful to hear about Jorge Vargas’s success and your positive experience with Memorial Junior HS. I can understand how a lighter workload can make a big difference. For those of us who aren't studying there, finding the right support for dissertations can be crucial. If you’re looking for a service which can help with capstone project assignment, check out https://essayservice.com/capstone-project-writing-service. It’s a great resource for getting assistance with your projects and ensuring they meet all necessary requirements.
Memorial Junior HS is a great place to study and I am very happy for Jorge Vargas, good luck to him in his future studies! I would also like to study there, because the workload there is not so heavy, and writing a dissertation there is a pleasure, because the program is simpler than that of other colleges. Unfortunately, I don’t study there :( and I have to use the thesis proposal writing service to write another dissertation. With the help of this service, I have already written two dissertations, and the third is on the eve.