In what can only be viewed as an act of desperation, EPISD school board president Lupita Fuentes took her campaign directly into Eagle Pass High School on Friday morning to promote herself to students and faculty at the weekly pep rally prior to the evening's game.
Reports reaching this publication are that Fuentes touched heavily on her health issues in an impassioned plea for sympathy.
Following the highly unusual and ethically and legally questionable campaign speech at a high school pep rally, Fuentes commandeered the public school's intercom system to encourage students to register to vote prior to the October 9 deadline and when they do vote to exercise that right by being well informed. However, she failed to tell them her opponent, Mayito Obregon, was not going to be allowed to enter the Eagle Pass high schools to campaign as she did.

This publication has also been informed, but has thus far been unable to confirm, that Fuentes was driven to this campaign rally by superintendent Gilberto Gonzalez. If this is true, Gonzalez would have been using a portion of his taxpayer funded $2,000 car allowance for the political purpose.