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Local plumbers accused of price gouging

Eagle Pass, TX - Betweeb $250 and $650 is what plumbers were reportedly charging to repair water pipes damaged in Maverick County homes from the recent winter storm.

"This is an exaggerated charge, an abuse," local dignitaries said, who have received many complaints from citizens who, forced by necessity, had to hire the services of these workers.

They called on plumbers not to abuse in terms of pricing, to please charge fair and affordable rates. In the same way, it was recommended to the homeowners who are in need of these services to try to pay by check or request an invoice or receipt since that money could be reimbursed if submitted to the state because Maverick is considered a disaster area and there are funds that have been designated for that purposes.

Plomeros locales acusados ​​de alza de precios

Eagle Pass, TX - De $250 a $650 es lo que supuestamente estaban cobrando los plomeros para reparar las tuberías de agua dañadas en las casas del condado de Maverick por la reciente tormenta de invierno.

"Esto es un cargo exagerado, un abuso", dijeron dignatarios locales, quienes han recibido muchas quejas de ciudadanos que, forzados por necesidad, tuvieron que contratar los servicios de estos trabajadores.

Piden a los plomeros locales que no abusen de los precios, que cobren precios justos. De la misma forma, se recomendó a los propietarios que solicitan estos servicios que intenten pagar con cheque o solicitar factura o recibo ya que ese dinero podría ser reembolsado si se presenta al estado porque Maverick se considera zona de desastre y hay fondos. que han sido designados a tal efecto.


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