Del Rio, TX - San Felipe Del Rio CISD remains in close consultation with the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Center for Disease Control and other partners in public health to monitor the novel coronavirus situation and ensure standard health and safety precautions are in place.
The SFDRCISD administration issued the following press release:
We want to assure our community that the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our highest priority.
To this end, the District’s leadership team is currently reviewing and updating all precautionary measures. A well-articulated plan that encourages personal protective measures among staff and students, (e.g., stay home when sick, handwashing, respiratory etiquette) will be disseminated prior to the start of classes. The District will also increase the frequency of sanitizing school buses, school furniture and fixtures (cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces daily) and ensure hand hygiene supplies are readily available in school classrooms and buildings.
The administration is also discussing limiting unnecessary student and staff travel as well as limiting activities in highly congested areas such as gymnasiums, auditoriums and cafeterias.
These discussions will continue during a special-called Board of Trustees meeting on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at the Student Performance Center and Administration Building at 8:00 a.m. During this meeting, administration will review all precautionary measures and discuss the return of students and staff who have recently traveled during Spring Break.
Thank you for your cooperation, patience and understanding as we all work together to provide the safest educational setting for our community.