Eagle Pass, TX - City of Eagle Pass Mayor Luis Sifuentes said that like him and Judge David Saucedo voluntarily chose to be vaccinated against the Coronavirus along with more than 40 employees of the fire department, however, there are many who work in medical centers that have rejected the dose.
During a conference offered at the city hall, the mayor recognized that there are between 30 and 40% of health workers in various hospitals who do not want to be vaccinated and there are others who did not qualify for now, since they were infected with COVID-19 two months ago and in order to receive the vaccine you have to wait for a period of at least three months.
Regarding the request for 5,000 vaccines made by the Emergency Operations Center to the state, with which it is intended to cover the population considered essential and that works and receives services in home health, nursing homes and places where people related to the healthcare industry are employed such as clinics and others, the Mayor assures that the target population is nearly 2,500 and yields the request for that number.
'We are waiting like every Tuesday, for the Federal and State Government to send us information so that we know how many vaccines we can have and thus apply them,' Mayor Sifuentes said.

30-40% de los empleados de salud local rechazan la vacuna COVID en EP
Eagle Pass, TX - El Mayor de la ciudad de Eagle Pass, Luis Sifuentes dijo que asi como el y el juez David Saucedo, optaron por vacunarse contra el Coronavirus junto a más de 40 empleados del departamento de bomberos, tambièn hay quienes laboran para centros mèdicos que rechazaron la dosis.
Durante una conferencia ofrecida en el ayuntamiento, el alcalde reconociò que existe entre un 30 y 40% de trabajadores de la salud de varios hospitales que no quieren vacunarse y hay otros que no calificaron por ahora, debido a que se contagiaron de Covid hace 2 meses y para poder recibir la vacuna hay que esperar a que transcurran 3 meses.

Respecto a la solicitud de 5 mil vacunas que hizo el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia al estado, con las cuales se pretende cubrir a la población esencial que labora y recibe servicios en home health, asilos y lugares donde trabajan personas relacionadas a la salud como consultorios, retamas y otros, asegura que se calculan alrededor de 2500 y es por ello la peticiòn de ese numero.
'Estamos a la espera como cada martes, de que el gobierno federal y estatal, nos envien información para poder saber con cuántas vacunas podemos contar y asi aplicarlas," comento el alcalde Sifuentes.