EAGLE PASS, TX- Eagle Pass voters sent a loud andcleat message to the City Council on Saturday overwhelmingly rejecting all six propositions on the ballot.
Driving the most opposition interest was Proposition B which called for the mayor and council members to be paid huge salaries based on percentage of the salary paid to the city manager.
In early balloting voters rejected this amendment by a count of 1,298 against to just 58 in favor.
Approximately 750 voters cast ballots on election day today and the overwhelming trend in opposition was expected to continue when these are finally tabulated.
Early vote total for the other proposals are as follows: Prop A - 1,181 against to 170 for;
Prop B - 1,298 against to 58 for; Prop C - 1,189 against to 163 for; Prop D - 1,194 against to 142 for; Prop E - 1,168 against to 183 for; Prop F - 991 against to 360 for.
Grand total for the other proposals are as follows: Prop A - 1,799 against to 288 for;
Prop B - 2,003 against to 94 for; Prop C - 1,815 against to 275 for; Prop D - 1,836 against to 222 for; Prop E - 1,817 against to 271 for; Prop F - 1,516 against to 571 for.