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Trump expected to announce temporary closure of US-Mexico border tomorrow

Washington, DC - President Donald Trump is expected to announce his plans in regards to the temporary closure of the United States - Mexico border.

CBS article claims that two administration officials confirmed the President plans to close the border to non-essential travel.

The announcement is anticipated to take place in a Friday news conference, making similar arrangements than the ones made in the recent closing of the US-Canada border.

Mexican officials had recently announced the possibility of closing the border to travelers coming from the United States due to the coronavirus outbreak.

President Trump previously restricted immigrants, asylum seekers from reaching the U.S. through the southern border, emphasizing that anyone caught would be immediately forced to return back to Mexico.

Se espera que Trump anucie el cierre temporal de la frontera México-Estados Unidos mañana

Washington, DC - Se espera que el presidente Donald Trump anuncie sus planes con respecto al cierre temporal de la frontera de Estados Unidos - México.

Un artículo de CBS noticias afirma que dos funcionarios de las administracion confirmaron los planes del presidente de cerrar la frontera para viajes no esenciales. Se anticipa que el anuncio se llevará a cabo en una conferencia de prensa el viernes, haciendo arreglos similares al cierre de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y Canadá. Funcionarios mexicanos anunciaron recientemente la posibilidad de cerrar la frontera a los viajeros que vienen de los Estados Unidos por el brote de coronavirus. El presidente restringió previamente a los inmigrantes, solicitantes de asilo, que lleguen a los EE. UU. a través de la frontera sur, y enfatizó que cualquier persona atrapada se vería obligada de inmediato a regresar a México.

1 comentário

20 de mar. de 2020

Will d loads from mexico be stopped too? There r many truck drivers in eagle pass that get their load from mexico. If the loads from mexico r not permited to enter there will be no trucks delivering anything in d U S

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