Hurd hosted a Data Gathering for Grants Workshop and visited Union Pacific's construction expansion site

Eagle Pass, TX - Will Hurd, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the City of Eagle Pass partnered and hosted the first Data Gathering for Grants Workshop in the Middle Rio Grande region of TX23. The Workshop took place at the Eagle Pass Public Library on Thursday, July 5.

The U.S. Census Bureau representative, Susana Privett led the program and showed grant writers, non-profit representatives, local and county government representatives how to utilize the census data to aid them during their grant writing process. Participants from the following counties were invited: Dimmit, Zavala, La Salle, Maverick, Kinney, Uvalde, and Val Verde.
After the Grant Workshop, Hurd head over to tour the Union Pacific constructions expansion. Over 1,500 rail cars per day, carrying important commodities for US and Texas citizens such as coal, grain and beer, pass through the Eagle Pass U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility. The CBP facility scans each rail car on every train. The yard expansion will create new capacity, enhance security, and help relieve rail traffic in downtown Eagle Pass. The project includes construction of a Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Secondary Inspection Facility, slot tracks and a Rail Inspection Portal (RIP). This project includes 52,000’ of new track, 22 track turnouts, addition of an upstream siphon, and three new building structures.

The visit included a brief tour of the project site and a brief discussion of public policy priorities for freight rail border trade security, the movement of good across international lines, and the rail industry at-large.