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Body found floating in Rio Grande near Quemado

Eagle Pass, TX - Maverick County Sheriff Deputies were dispatched to the Rio Grande River by FM 1907 near Quemado, Texas on Sunday morning.

The deputies responded to a call from US Border Patrol agents, reporting they had located a deceased subject floating in the river.

The body of a male subject presumed to be an undocumented citizen was recovered and a Justice of the Peace was notified before declaring the subject deceased.

Agents and deputies noted that the subject was not carrying any identification in his possession.

Cuerpo encontrado flotando dentro del rio bravo cerca de Quemado

Eagle Pass, TX - Diputados del sheriff del condado de Maverick fueron enviados al río bravo por FM 1907 cerca de Quemado, Texas, el domingo por la mañana. Los agentes respondieron a una llamada de los agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza de Estados Unidos, informando que habían localizado a un sujeto fallecido flotando en el río.

Se recuperó el cuerpo de un sujeto masculino presuntamente ciudadano indocumentado y se notificó a un juez de paz antes de declarar al sujeto fallecido. Agentes y diputados señalaron que el sujeto no llevaba ninguna identificación en su poder.


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